Tag Archives: new hire

Top 5 Management Do-Overs

Are you a new supervisor? The first major advice I can give you is: don’t let it go to your head. A little authority can cause what some people have coined “Little Hitler” or “Little Man Syndrome“.

Here’re a few mistakes I’ve learned firsthand:
1. Step into their shoes periodically – You should be able to fill in for any of the crew. You do NOT need to be as proficient as they are, but you should be able to do the job, in a pinch.
Cross training in their footsteps allows you to step into their struggles, allowing you to help the employee. Understanding the employee in the position, builds respect in the relationship dynamic and helps the overall organization function better together.

2. Head off any bullying immediately and stand your ground. Bullying can come in many forms. In my situation, it was an employee that refused to see me as an authority figure and continuously tried to dominate my decisions, even to my superiors. It also may be an employee that tries to dominate other employees by delegating tasks.
Depending on the situation, this may be an employee that is worthy to be promoted. However, he/she may also be an employee that has not met the qualifications to be a supervisor and needs to be put in their place.

3. Be blunt and to the point. Soft stepping issues to avoid conflict causes confusion and looks weak.
Do not make people guess your angle or where you are wanting to go. Be polite and be direct.

4. Always check references and past employers for character flaws.
Skills can usually be learned, but bad behaviors are much harder to correct.

5. Take time to explain the big picture/vision of the organization. This helps employees see your challenges, the overall company direction, and commit to their part. They don’t need all the degree of details, just as you don’t need all of theirs, but being transparent allows them to see that you are actively working toward a goal and you believe in the vision. Be visible, transparent and appreciate feedback.
This creates a sense of unity and they will appreciate you taking the time to explain it. In my experience, we had weekly supervisory meetings, but larger group employee meetings were appreciated by employees. This would have been nice on a quarterly basis.

I hope this information was helpful. Good Luck in your new Career!
If you have other suggestions that may be helpful to others, please feel free to post below.

Further information on leadership:

Dr. Henry Cloud, Leadership Video

Dr. Townsend, Boundaries and Work

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